safe services

Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE)
was selected as one of only 50 promising strategy programs in the nation to prevent domestic violence by the National Crime Prevention Council.

The National Crime Prevention Council is the non-profit "take a bite out of crime" organization funded by the U.S. Justice Department.

SAFE was selected because of its unique programs that bring services to underserved victims of domestic violence crime; the applicability of SAFE programs; and training and publications to other agencies such as law enforcement, healthcare providers, social service, school administration, and other domestic violence intervention programs. Below also are some of the free services provided to the general public.


SAfe offers several free services:

Brochures for underserved domestic violence groups (currently abused men, abused gay men, abused lesbians, and dating violence). "Dear Abby" has previously endorsed the men's brochures in her column.

An online support group through Facebook where SAFE members and individuals can connect with each other. You can receive advice, resources, and information that might be useful in dealing with your unique situation.

Online resource list of organizations and individuals that offer information, assistance, and support. 

National Directory of Service Providers for those that fall between the cracks of domestic violence services (men, LGBT, teens, and the elderly).