Review of Linda Mill's Insult to Injury - Dr. Jack Turteltaub reviews Linda Mill's book. 

Well-known domestic violence victims - A list of prominent cases of abused men (straight), and abused same-sex victims. 

Review of Thomas James' Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know - Dr. Jack Turteltaub reviews Thomas James' book 

An Unbiased Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Richard L. Davis on the legal aspects of domestic violence 

Myths, Factoids, and Facts about Domestic Violence - lists commonly abused factoids and the truth about each one.

Are you being stalked? - Kim S. describes how to know if you're being stalked, and what to do if you are. 

Recommendations for Re-Authorization of the Violence Against Women Act 2005 

Becoming Part of The Solution - an essay by SAFE speaker Richard L. Davis. 

Domestic Violence in Massachusetts - an essay by SAFE speaker Richard L. Davis 

At The End of the Rainbow - A study by Mark Lehman on domestic violence for gay men. 

Review of Violent Partners by Linda Mills