Rose Brown


Rose Brown Profile

Rose Brown 
Anti-Bullying Advocate
   Specialized Topics:
  • Bullying Prevention
  • Domestic Violence

I currently represent the state of North Carolina as Pure International Miss North Carolina 2018! I chose to enter pageantry as I sought out an additional platform to grow as a leader, philanthropist, and humanitarian. Sadly, I was bullied from kindergarten up until the time I graduated high school on a daily basis (my hair was cut, I had trash stuffed in my mouth, I was pushed down flights of stairs, etc.), to the point my family felt homeschool would be best, possibly transferring schools, and/or any other possible alternative.

After being bullied for over a decade I knew pageantry would help me see the beauty within myself that I never saw throughout my time in elementary, middle, and high school. Growing up, I saw how much pageants truly enhanced women in regards to their self-esteem, confidence, communication skills, cultural awareness skills, etc. I knew in my heart that pageantry would help me become an even greater version of myself. Having experienced severe bullying I began to compete in pageantry to raise my self-esteem and confidence.

After competing eight times I earned the title of Miss Piedmont 2017 and became a member of the Miss America Organization. With this leadership experience I felt prepared to then apply and later earn the title of Pure International Miss North Carolina 2018!