S.A.F.E. News


DEAR ABBY: I know most of your readers are women, but could you please spread awareness of female-on-male domestic violence? You have done a great job with male-on-female abuse awareness, and I think American society is fairly well saturated with it. But there is little out there for men who have been or are being abused. — Minnesota reader

DEAR READER: Domestic violence is not restricted to any social, racial, religious, economic group or particular gender. And while male victims may be embarrassed to disclose it, men can be victims of domestic violence, too.

In years past, men were hesitant to call a domestic abuse hotline when there was a crisis because they were ashamed, had been bullied into thinking they “deserved it,” or were afraid they wouldn’t be believed. That is no longer the case.

Male victims of domestic violence can find help by contacting the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women. The organization’s toll-free helpline is (888) 743-5754 or log onto its Web site at www.dahmw.org. Another organization, SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone), also assists victims of abuse regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation. Its Web site is www.safe4all.org.

Read more: http://www.sunherald.com/2010/04/22/2123711/teen-keeps-mum-about-vile-grouping.html